My 3 Words for 2016

My 3 Words for 2016

My 3 Words for 2016
My 3 Words for 2016

Ever since I was initiated into this idea of setting “New year resolutions”, I have been writing a long list of new habits that I need to acquire, or events that I needed to attract, with a hope that it will lead to happiness and success. But my definition of success and happiness keeps changing every year, and no matter how much I accomplish from these new year resolutions or goals, the list keeps changing and new milestones are becoming more relevant.

This year, I am doing something different. Instead of creating a “List”, I am going to set a Theme for 2016 with just 3 words. That’s it! My focus, involvement and time will be spent on the theme of 3 (Threeme?) areas that needs my attention this year. Thanks to Chris Brogan and his blog post about his 3 words for 2015.

So, here’s my Three words for 2016:
Systems. Sales. Scribe.

Systems: One of my biggest learning in 2015, is from Michael Gerber’s book called E-Myth Revisited, which showed me the possibility of building systems and processes inside the business, that will help to easily scale up the operations without being sucked into the vortex of being entrapped in “running” a business.

Sales: I thought I’d say “Growth” here – but it is a very loose term. For qualifying into a theme, we need a word that is laser-focused. Setting up an efficient sales and marketing engine has been on my list in 2015, and is far from complete. In 2016, I will focus on setting up “Growth Engines” that will boost the sales and automate our marketing system and we are going to have a lot of fun doing it.

Scribe: Hal Elrod, in his book called Miracle Morning, talks about Scribing as an integral aspect of daily habit system. I am going to focus on this big time in 2016. Scribing, literally means to Write. I will notch it up a little by also creating videos, presentations and audio to create a fully immersive learning experience in 2016. This will happen in various dimensions, such as journaling, blogging, video courses, writing e-books and publishing my first book in 2016. I am very excited about this one in particular.

This is going to be yet another exciting year with a lot of opportunities and learning experiences. Stay tuned for the updates!


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