Boosting Productivity with Time Tracking: Insights from Launch Strategist Alex Beadon

Boosting Productivity with Time Tracking: Insights from Launch Strategist Alex Beadon

time tracking clockify

The video features Alex Beadon, a launch strategist and online offer expert, discussing her use of Clockify for time management and productivity. Here are the key takeaways and action items:

Key Takeaways:
  1. Time Tracking: Alex emphasizes the importance of tracking time to understand where it’s being spent. This helps identify areas of inefficiency and distractions, and allows for strategic planning to improve productivity.
  2. Clockify for Business Management: Clockify helps Alex manage both the creative and non-creative aspects of her business. She uses different projects to get a quick overview of how much time is spent on content creation, product development, administration, and team management.
  3. Team Time Management: Alex’s team uses Clockify to track time spent under five different categories: administration, team education, business development, community, and content/product development. This helps them understand where their time is going and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Time Tracking Culture: Time tracking is an integral part of Alex’s team culture. It’s not used to micromanage but to improve team efficiency and provide visibility on what everyone is working on.
  5. Clockify Features: Alex finds the project and task categorization, calendar overview, and reporting features of Clockify particularly useful. She also appreciates the live overview of what everyone on her team is currently working on.
Action Items:
  1. Implement Time Tracking: If not already in use, consider implementing time tracking in your work or business using a tool like Clockify. This can help you understand where your time is being spent and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Categorize Your Work: Break down your work into different categories or projects to get a better understanding of how your time is distributed across different tasks.
  3. Review Your Time Usage Regularly: Regularly review your time usage to identify inefficiencies and areas where you might be spending too much or too little time.
  4. Create a Time Tracking Culture: If you’re working with a team, make time tracking a part of your team culture. This can help improve team efficiency and provide visibility on what everyone is working on.
  5. Use Clockify’s Features: If you’re using Clockify, make full use of its features like project and task categorization, calendar overview, and reporting to improve your time management.

In the fast-paced world of business, time is a precious commodity. Understanding how we spend our time can provide invaluable insights into our productivity and efficiency. Alex Beadon, a renowned launch strategist, recently shared her experiences with time tracking and how it has revolutionized her approach to work. In a video interview, Alex delved into her use of Clockify, a time tracking tool, and how it has transformed her business operations.

The Power of Time Tracking

Alex emphasizes the importance of time tracking as a tool for productivity. By keeping a record of how time is spent, one can identify areas of inefficiency and distractions. This data can then be used to devise strategies for improvement. Alex suggests challenging yourself to track your time, review it, and then use that data to make informed decisions about your work habits.

Harnessing Clockify for Business Management

Clockify has become an integral part of Alex’s business management strategy. She uses the tool to manage both the creative and non-creative aspects of her business. By categorizing her work into different projects, she can quickly overview how much time is spent on content creation, product development, administration, and team management. This visibility allows her to set goals based on where she’s spending her time, ensuring each area gets the attention it needs.

Building a Team Time Management Culture

Alex’s team also utilizes Clockify to track their time across five different categories: administration, team education, business development, community, and content/product development. This practice provides clarity on where their collective time is going, enabling them to identify areas for improvement.

Time tracking is not used as a tool for micromanagement in Alex’s team. Instead, it’s about improving team efficiency and providing visibility on what everyone is working on. This transparency is a key part of their team culture, and it’s introduced to new team members from day one.

Leveraging Clockify’s Features

Alex finds several features of Clockify particularly useful. The project and task categorization allows her to narrow down her work into specific tasks, providing a detailed overview of her time expenditure. The calendar overview feature gives her a week-by-week breakdown of her workflow, while the reporting feature provides a color-coded, numerical representation of her team’s time usage.

One of the features Alex appreciates the most is the live overview, which shows what everyone on her team is currently working on. This real-time visibility is not only interesting but also very useful for team coordination and management.

Actionable Insights from Time Tracking

When Alex first started using Clockify, she was shocked by how much time she was wasting on tasks that weren’t providing a return on her investment. Time tracking provided her with the visibility she needed to make changes and become more efficient.

In 2021, despite not working full day work days or weeks, Alex’s team had a successful and profitable year. This was largely due to the insights gained from time tracking, which allowed her to build a team that could function and perform without her constant involvement.


Time tracking can be a game-changer for businesses and individuals alike. It provides visibility into our work habits, helping us identify areas for improvement and make strategic decisions about our time usage. Tools like Clockify, with their robust features, can make this process easier and more efficient. Whether you’re a solopreneur or part of a team, consider implementing time tracking in your work routine and see the difference it can make.

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